When he hears the song, Peek-a-Boo on the radio (which contains some of the lyrics from Jeepers Creepers), he initially thinks this is what the medium was talking about. Bait-and-Switch: Darry is warned to beware of the song, Jeepers Creepers.The Creeper only comes out every twenty-three years for twenty-three days to eat. Almost Dead Guy: Just before we lose the Dying Boy, he whispers something into Darry's ear, apparently "Hide".The Alleged Car: Trish's car very often has trouble starting and/or the gears sticking, usually at the worst possible moment.Unfortunately he just ignores her and kills him anyway. Even though Trish and Darius argue constantly through out the film at end when the Creeper is about to kill Darius She begs him to Take Me Instead. Aw Look They Really Do Love Eachother: A platonic and very sad example.
#Jeepers creepers movie meaning driver
Much later, they discover that the driver of the truck is not initially as he seems. Darry, against Trish's wishes, decides to go and investigate the old church in case there may be someone alive, only to make a horrific discovery.

Seeing them, the driver of the truck engages the two in a terrifying road chase, but they manage to escape. Later, from a distance, they witness the driver of the truck, dumping what appears to be bodies wrapped in bloodstained bags down a pipe, adjacent to an abandoned church.

The movie centers around Darry Jenner (Long) and his sister Patricia (Philips), as they take the scenic route home from college in Trish's banged-up old car, and their strange and frightening encounter on the lonely highway with what seems to be the crazed, obnoxious driver of an ominous green truck, who attempts to run them off the road. It takes its name from the song "Jeepers Creepers", which features in the movie. Jeepers Creepers is a 2001 horror/monster movie directed by Victor Salva, and starring Justin Long, Gina Philips, and Jonathan Breck.